Wayside Waves 1.8.24

1. Spirit Night at Shake Shack
2. Read-A-Thon is in Full Swing
3. National Library Week Celebration
4. Volunteers Still Needed for Potato Contest tomorrow
5. Volunteers Still Needed to Read at Lunch
6. Gift Cards Still Needed for Teacher Appreciation Week
7. Free Shipping on Wayside Spirit Wear through April 11th
8. Play Day and Field Day are on May 20th
9. Fourth General PTA Membership Meeting on May 7th
10. BLAST 34 at WCHS
11. WCHS Baseball Community Day
12. Soar Elementary Spelling Bee Event
13. Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
14. Amazon Wish Lists
15. Yearbook Photo Collection

 16. Digital Backpack

1. Spirit Night at Shake Shack is on April 9th!

2. Read-A-Thon is in full swing! 
Sign up now to have your child earn minutes at school and/or at home!

3. Celebrate National Library Week with Wayside’s Read-A-Thon!

4. Read-A-Thon & National Library Week: Volunteers Still Needed Tomorrow for the Library’s Book Character Potato Contest
Mrs. Rhoads and Mrs. Raab are seeking volunteers to support the Book Character Potato Contest on Monday.  Please sign up here to lend a hand when contestants are submitting their potatoes tomorrow!

5. Read-A-Thon & National Library Week: Guest Readers Needed at Lunch!
Throughout National Library Week and Wayside’s Read-A-Thon, we are inviting caregivers to read to the Dolphins during lunch!  Please sign up to share your favorite (age appropriate) books while the students eat their lunches.  Students can log the minutes from these read alouds as they are engaged in a reading experience.
Only volunteers who are signed up can read during lunch!  You must have completed the required MCPS volunteer training in order to participate.

6. Gift Cards Needed for Teacher Appreciation Week
The Teacher Appreciation Committee is hard at work preparing for Teacher Appreciation Week occurring May 6-10th.  As part of the appreciation events, we like to provide each Wayside Staff member with a $25 gift card to Amazon or Target.  Please sign up now to donate gift cards to our incredibly devoted staff who provide our students with knowledge, joy and a healthy learning environment.
All gift cards should be brought to the main office in an envelope clearly labeled by April 26th.  Gift cards will not go directly to your child’s teacher but will go to a staff member at Wayside.
Click here to support our Wayside Teachers and Staff

7. Free Shipping on Wayside Spirit Wear through April 11th
Want to be ready for all the fun Wayside activities we have planned this Spring? It’s time to get your Wayside Spirit Wear! There is free shipping on all orders made through April 11th so order today!
Create your own Wayside Spirit Wear here! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.
For Field Day and Play Day on May 20th, all grades will have a designated color to wear so this is the perfect time to customize your child’s Wayside gear in their grade’s color:
5th Grade – Blue
4th Grade – Red
3rd Grade – Yellow
2nd Grade – Blue
1st Grade – Red
Kindergarten – Yellow

Questions? Email Kirsten Carr at fundraising@waysidepta.org.
8. Play Day and Field Day are on May 20th!

9. Fourth General PTA Membership Meeting on May 7th
Please join us at our final PTA meeting on May 7th to elect our 2024-2025 PTA Executive Board. All Wayside PTA members are eligible to vote.

Slate for the 2024-2025 Wayside PTA Board
President: Jax Stief
Secretary: Jing Shi
Treasurer: Kristen Lavender
VP DEI: Adam Barrer
VP Community Enrichments: Lee Kim
VP Events: Kristin Silbowitz
VP Family Engagement: Amy Bernstein
VP Fundraising: Lauren Slavin
MCCPTA Delegates: Jonathan Carr and Maria Tripplaar

The PTA is grateful to our Nominating Committee of Jonathan Carr, Melissa Raggi and Mallory Repellin for putting together next year’s board.

10. BLAST 34 at WCHS

11. WCHS Baseball Community Day

12. Soar Elementary Spelling Bee Event

13. Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

14. Amazon Wish Lists


Weinbaum’s Art Class
Mrs. Freundel’s Counseling
Mrs. Rhoads’ Media Center
Mr. Rod’s Music Class

Mrs. Jendzurski

Mrs. Young’s Class
Ms. Saunder’s Class
Ms. Egan’s Class

1st Grade
Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
Ms. Claus’ Class
Ms. Yanow’s Class

2nd Grade
Ms. Gambrell’s Class
Mrs. Adams’ Class
Ms. Bronfman’s Class

3rd Grade
Ms. Deutsch’s Class
Mrs. Kaperst’s Class

4th Grade
Ms. Katzen’s Class

Mr. Heckhaus’ Class

5th Grade
Ms. Wells’ Class
Ms. Bortnick’s Class
Ms. Levine’s Class
Ms. Drannan’s Class

Ms. Homan’s Class
Ms. Solender’s Class
PEP INC.: Mrs. Gray and Ms. Shafter

15. Yearbook Photo Collection

Questions? Contact the yearbook committee at yearbook@waysidepta.org.

16.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

Steve and Kate’s Camp
MCPS 2024 Youth Climate Summit on April 13th
RoboCamps Summer Program
Calling all fifth-grade students who have considered being part of Scouts
DMV Math Tournament on April 20, 2024 for grades 3-5
MSA Summer Camp
Georgetown Hill Potomac Village