Wayside Waves 3.19.23

1. An Evening of Theater–Wayside Talent Show
2. Register for Spring Enrichments Today!
3. Last chance to join the PTA!
4. Staff Appreciation Week: Seeking Donations
5. Seeking Green Team Leader

 6. Kindergarten Registration
7. Digital Backpack

1. An Evening of Theater–Wayside Talent Show
2. Spring registration is open for Wayside enrichments! 
Please visit Kiddo to register today!  Classes start in March or April so please pay attention to the dates. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Stief at activities@waysidepta.org.
3. Last chance to join the PTA!
March is your last chance to join the PTA and support all the wonderful activities the PTA still has coming! The Wayside Talent Show, Celebration of the Arts Night, Staff Appreciation Week and Spring Carnival are all being planned right now. Go to https://waysidepta.membershiptoolkit.com
and join today!
4. Staff Appreciation Week: Seeking Donations
Staff Appreciation Week is the first week of May, and we want to show our fantastic Wayside staff how much their hard work means to us. Various treats and surprises are being planned for them throughout the week.
In addition, we plan to provide each staff member with a gift card. Please show your support by contributing $25 (maximum) gift cards to Amazon or Target. Or, please feel free to contribute any dollar amount to be put toward gift cards and other staff appreciation items. Items can be dropped off at Wayside’s front office until April 21st. Please sign up here to let us know it’s coming!
Thanks for showing your appreciation for the Wayside staff!
Questions? Contact president@waysidepta.org.
5. Seeking Green Team Leader
Wayside has been a certified Maryland Green School since 2018, and in 2022, we recertified as a Green School. The Green Team Leader supports ongoing, and can initiate new, environmentally conscious activities and programs at Wayside. This year, in collaboration with Ms. Hill and the SGA, we implemented composting in the Wayside cafeteria. This has been very well received and the new Green Team Leader would help to keep it going.  In addition, this person would collect photos into a Google drive to document Green activities.  These photos will be needed for the next recertification application which will be due in 2026.  When that time comes, the Green Team Leader will help to fill out and submit that application.  This position is an exciting opportunity to engage the students, staff, and Wayside community to create a more sustainable future.  Please contact Seema Gupta at seema958@yahoo.com or Melissa Adler at president@waysidepta.org if you are interested in this position or would like additional information.
6. Kindergarten Registration
Attention Parents of Incoming Kindergarten Students: Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is right around the corner with Online Registration (OLR) launching on March 27th. In the meantime, parents are asked to complete the following:1. Complete and submit this CAPTURE FORM so that we can keep you apprised of information regarding kindergarten registration and orientation. Please confirm that your child meets the age requirement as outlined on the form.

2. Once completed you will immediately receive receipt confirmation with a link to sign up for our in-person kindergarten orientation. Kindergarten orientation provides parents and their rising K student(s) an opportunity to visit the classroom, meet the teachers and connect with other parents and children. If you have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to our school registrar, Mrs. Sarah Kerchner by email sarah_J_Kerchner@mcpsmd.org or phone 240-740-0240.
We look forward to welcoming your kindergarten student!

7.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

Yellow Brick Basketball
Viking Soccer Camp
MSA Spring Classes
MSA Spring Camp
MSA Summer Camp
Crazy Runners
APLUS Education
Creative Adventures Summer Camp

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Wayside Elementary School
10011 Glen Rd, Potomac, MD 20854